Full-Day “MLM Soup to Nuts” Workshop

May 21st, 2012 → 5:02 am @ // No Comments

My Full Day “MLM Soup to Nuts” Workshop

1.What business are you really in?
2.The 5 key components of a successful MLM company.
3.The basis of a successful MLM product or service.
4.The importance of a world-class corporate image.
5.Why your company logo is important.
6.Website design, the window to your enterprise.
7.Creating print materials for your distributors.
8.Components of a Distributor “kit”.
9.Components of a marketing and media kit.

Corporate Compliance
1.PCI Compliance. What is it? How PCI affects you.
2.Are MLM, Direct sale, Affiliate and Party Plans legal?
3.Do I have to register my company?
4.Assistance with compliance and regulations.
5.Ramifications of not being compliant.
6.Do I need to get formal approval for my products?
7.Terms & Conditions / Policies / Rules and regulations.
8.Can I write my legal documents myself?
9.High risk, Credit Card Merchant Accounts.

1.What is the best product for your MLM company?
2.Physical vs. Virtual products.
3.Consumable vs. one time purchases.
4.Sourcing products.
5.The importance of packaging and presentation.
6.Determining pricing.
7.Ensuring that you build a profitable opportunity plan.

MLM Consultants
1.Do I really need a consultant?
2.What does a consultant do for me?
3.Where do I find trustworthy consultants?
4.How much do consultants cost?
5.Selecting a competent consultant, full or part-time
6.Will they help with my compensation plan design?

Compensation Plan Design
1.What is “the best compensation plan”?
2.Should I copy from another successful company?
3.How much is my compensation plan going to pay out?
4.Designing your compensation plan with a consultant.
5.How complex should my compensation plan be?
6.Will my consultant recruit Distributors for me?
7.Can my consultant help me recruit? If the answer is YES, how?
8.Vision Planning and the critically important “Gantt Chart”.
9.How to price and not go broke while realizing a reasonable profit.
10.The famous “Compensation Plan Modeler” (Free software)
11.Creating the vital “Technical System Specifications Document”.

Pre-Launch vs. Post Launch
(creating your own Gold Rush)
1.Why a Pre-launch is so important.
2.Iron out issues before the momentum kicks in.
3.The importance of a “Founder Program”.

Your Corporate MLM Software
1.Selecting your software vendor… your “Strategic Partner”!
2.The importance of Software Scalability.
3.Replication and the Distributor Back Office.
4.“ASP” or self hosted, what does it really mean to you?
5.What does MLM software do for your company and distributors?
6.What features will I absolutely need?
7.Will I need custom programmed software?
8.How much does MLM software cost?
9.Who owns the software?
10.Do I need to hire an IT expert inhouse?
11.How is shipping handled?
12.How do I collect money?
13.What is a “back office”?
14.What about multiple languages?
15.How do I sell in multiple currencies?
16.What payment methods can be used to pay Distributors?
17.What about hiring my own programmer and building it myself?
18.Can do it cheaper outsourcing to non-MLM programmers?

1.Should I have a Founders Program?
2.Finding top distributors – recruiting the winners.
3.Tips on qualifying for a “High Risk” credit card merchant account.
4.Hiring in-house executives and staff.
5.Funding your new enterprise for success.
6.I have my new company, now what?
7.“No one visits my website” what can I do?
8.Why don’t I see my website ranked on Google?
9.Who can help me get traffic to my website?
10.How do I recruit new distributors?
11.What about Newsletter systems?
12.Should I place ads in newspapers and magazines?
13.Where is the best place to find customers?
14.Should I pay to entice leaders (aka Heavy Hitters)?
15.Where do I advertise my product to get the most sales?
16.I signed up a few friends but no one is selling or recruiting, why?
17.Do I need a big fancy office and a swanky car now?
18.I don’t know who I should hire.
19.How many employees do I need?
20.Who will handle technical my support needs?
21.Who do I call when I have questions?
22.Can I outsource some of my basic “CSR” support needs?
23.Can you recommend an offshore call center?

Building a World-class “Distributor Kit”
1.What Distributors “really” need… and want?
2.How to build a Powerful Distributor Kit.
3.Business forms and documentation (samples provided).

Designing an online distributor training program
1.Do Distributors really know your compensation plan and products?
2.Experience our TrainerWare Program.

My Corporate Software book will be included FREE!

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